Thursday, October 9, 2008

How smart is your IT guy?

When the IT guys get together, we like to discuss the silly things that end users do, like thinking that the mouse is some kind of foot pedal. Sometimes, the tech is just as bad. I once watched a tech troubleshoot a video problem for 30 minutes when all he had to do was turn the monitor on. No matter how good the tech is, he/she should start with the basics. It's easy for us to forget, because we've been through many different scenarios, we assume we can jump straight to the solution because we had a similar issue last month.

If you want to test your IT guy, try this...

  • Unplug your network cable.
  • Call your IT guy and tell him that your computer can't get on the internet.
  • He may ask you to check a couple things first, like going to a couple different websites or checking your IE settings.
  • If he takes too long to get around to asking you to check your network cable, you might want to find a new IT guy.
Thanks for reading.

Thomas Johnsen - CCNA, MCSE+Security, MCDST, A+, Net+, Security+
Lead Engineer
Networthy Systems
6950 College Street Ste. G
Beaumont, Texas 77707
(409) 861-4450

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